The Famine Immigrants: Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the Port of New York, 1846 - 1851, Volume 7, Part 1
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Szukaj w zbiorze: The Famine Immigrants: Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the Port of New York, 1846 - 1851, Volume 7, Part 1
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The Famine Immigrants: Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the Port of New York, 1846 - 1851, Volume 7, Part 1
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The Famine Immigrants [Vol. VII]. Ira A. Glazier. (1985). <p>The blight that struck the Irish potato crop in the winter of 1845-46 brought ruin to tens of thousands of tenant farmers and laborers, reducing almost all of Ireland to poverty.<br><br> Making matters worse, very few farmers owned their own land or even held title to their humble dwellings, so when the crop failed they had scarcely any resources to call on. As a result, countless people faced the choice of leaving Ireland or perishing. In fact, between 1846 and 1851, more than a million men, women, and children emigrated to the United States and Canada, mostly through the port of New York.</p><p>The information on these people exists in an invaluable series of port arrival records, the Customs Passenger Lists. Until recently, however, these passenger lists were unpublished and only partially indexed and lay well out of the reach of the average researcher, the more so since they are not classified by nationality. To bring those records dealing with Irish immigrants within the range of the researcher, <i>The Famine Immigrants</i> series was conceived for the purpose of enumerating all Irish passengers who entered the port of New York between 1846 and 1851. There are seven volumes in this series. </p><p>The passenger lists found in <i>The Famine Immigrants</i> are arranged by ship and date of arrival in New York, and each person is identified with respect to age, sex, occupation, and family relationships where such was indicated in the original manifests. Additionally, every volume boasts of an extensive index containing all of the passenger names in the text.</p> <p>From June 1850-March 1851, the period covered in this volume, over 90,000 Irish men, women, and children arrived in New York, and all of the data located on them is provided, and their names are all indexed.</p><a name="ID2216"><BR> publishes genealogy books and CDs. Whether you are just beginning to explore your family tree or are an experienced researcher looking for in-depth genealogy data, can provide you with the resources you need. We publish over 2,000 genealogy books and compact discs featuring colonial genealogy, Irish genealogy, immigration, royal ancestry, family history, and genealogy methods and sources. is the online home of Genealogical Publishing Company, Clearfield Company, and Gateway Press. Search our genealogy books by title, author or keyword phrase or browse our genealogy book sale.}
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